HBE Fluid Equipment goes green - company focus on environmentally friendly measures

No other topic is currently experiencing greater resonance than the (worldwide) environmental protection. Awareness of a clean environment is growing. Also in China, steps are gradually taken to protect resources and the climate. HBE Fluid Equipment is committed to set a good example, and is gradually implementing measures to generate electricity, as well as recycling and waste prevention.

The first step towards the "green office" was the investment and installation of a solar system. Before the introduction of solar power, HBE Fluid Equipment paid around € 10,000 per year for conventional electricity, as both the heaters and the air conditioning had to be supplied. The installation of the solar panels cost € 20,000 and has been in operation since the beginning of June. Already in July, this investment has paid off. The bill for electricity costs was only half as high as the year before. With an app HBE can query the data at any time.

Following a short-term introduction of waste separation in Shanghai as the first city in China in July, HBE was keen to anchor this project and the philosophy of recycling as quickly as possible among its employees. Where countless disposable plastic bowls lined the lunch table before, now there is a heat container, the inserts can be refilled every day. "Since we all eat lunch together, we order in a restaurant next door. Everything was nicely delivered in plastic bowls and promptly the waste bin was full. It was not really nice, "says Ekaterini Alexiadou, Managing Director of HBE Fluid Equipment. "Now we have changed and have twice as many inserts matching the heat containers, so that we always keep some in the restaurant which  can be replaced every day."

That the philosophy and the meaning of waste separation cannot be implemented all of a sudden and that it is a long way to acceptance, was also noticeable at HBE: "It took forever, until our people understood the meaning. Among other things, at the beginning they picked up everything in plastic bowls and then transferred it into the heat container. Now it works and they are very excited about it, "says Alexiadou.

The next project will be the purchase of an electric car for the company. Electromobility has a high significance in China due to increased smog values and will be further expanded in the coming years. The purchase of the car is planned for the second quarter of 2020.

Published: September, 02 2019
